So today at lunch I was working on my sock. I had it on 3 needles, and decided I wanted to switch to 4. I grabbed the spare needle from my bag...but it felt different.
So I used the digital calipers in the lab and checked.
Sure enough it was a size 1 needle, not a 0.
I am queen of the nerds!
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knitting foo
Jan 06, 2011 20:41
My knitting group made a resolution to knit a sweater starting in January. I have just cast on. Wish me luck!
knitting foo,
Sep 13, 2010 14:04
So I managed a week without an iPod, and that's about as long as I could take. Saturday I drove down to Columbus where they have an Apple store. (and a book store since I couldn't find my copy of Good Omens) And wow, is the Apple store ever.....Apple. (
I mean really. )
knitting foo
Jul 08, 2010 08:14
Sheldon made my morning. Y'know, except that Flaco's holding his needles wrong. But he IS a lizard, maybe there's some technique i don't know about.
knitting foo
Jun 23, 2010 16:14
I try not to geek out in public over my knitting too much. But last time I was home, I bought some SRS PRETTY yarn. I blew a gift certificate on this lovely turquoise mohair/silk/silver tinsel blend. It's very soft and luscious. And I immediately started on a scarf. And because it's so pretty I bring it to work and knit it on my lunch break.
Read more... )
knitting foo,